Finding standard poodle puppies for sale will be the greatest find you ever make because they make great family dogs. You will find these awesome standard poodle puppies for sale in Clearwater Florida, just simply call a Very Important Pet at 7274466700 to get your pet today.
Standard poodle puppies are easy to train and are fun to love and play with. They are very energetic and will be your best friend. The best part of getting your puppy from us, is that it will come to you already house trained and this will make the welcome to your home, much more smooth and easy for you both.
Poodle Care Tips
The thing to remember about your new family dog is that it will need a walk at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, if you can more often but it is recommended at least twice a day. Walking your pet will help get some of his or her energy out so that they will be more calm at home.
To make sure your pet knows who is boss and who is not, never allow the poodle to walk in front of you, always allow your self to go through doors first, to show the dog who is boss and in charge in your house. The puppy should always walk beside you while on the leash. All of these great walking ideas will leave you amazed at how well your dog will behave because they will know who is boss.
When you are training your dog, make sure everyone is on board and will help with the training; this will make training your new puppy a lot easier.
You will need to change your schedule a little bit if you are going to crate train your dog so that it is not left in the crate all day long.

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